• これまでのコンベンションについて/Past Conventions
  • 参加登録パスワードをお持ちの方はこちら/With Registration Password
  • 参加登録パスワードをお持ちでない方はこちら/Without Registration Password
  • プログラム/Program
  • よくある質問/FAQs



Participants in the event

  • Q.参加対象者を教えてください。

    A. 以下の条件を満たす方が対象となります。

    Q.Who can participate in the event?

    A.Persons who can fulfill the following conditions.
    ●Being able to participate in the entire program of the convention.
    ●Being invited by the Foundation, or self-paying participants who are recommended by related universities and accepted as such by the Foundation.
    ●Persons aged 18 and over.


Questions regarding traveling grant

  • Q.旅費の補助はありますか。


    Q.Q. Is there financial support for travel expenses?

    A.An airfare (travel expense) subsidy will be given to those who received a notification or an invitation letter from the Foundation in which such subsidy was mentioned. No grant is provided for self-paying guests and participants from the host city and neighboring cities and towns.

  • Q.旅費補助の金額はいくらですか。


    Q.How much is the subsidy?

    A.The specific amount will be stated in the document issued by the Foundation and addressed to the eligible person(s).

  • Q.旅費の精算方法を教えてください。


    Q.How to settle the traveling expense?

    A.The subsidy will be given in U.S. dollars on a one-time payment basis at the account settlement desk, which will be situated by the convention hall. There will be no additional payment in the event of a difference incurred thereafter.

  • Q.コンベンション会場で旅費補助をもらうのを忘れてしまったのですが。


    Q.What if I forget to settle the amount of travel expense at the venue?

    A.We cannot accept the settlement of the account afterward. Please visit the desk when it is open.



  • Q.ホテルの提供はありますか。


    Q.Is accommodation provided for the participants?

    A.Yes. Free accommodation will be provided for the invitees including self-paying guests during the period below.
     Check-in: Sunday, 30th July 2023
     Check-out: Wednesday, 2nd August 2023

  • Q.参加者の宿泊先はどこですか。


    Q.Where is the hotel for the participants?

    A.Accommodation for the participants will be the same hotel as the convention venue. This year, it is going to be at the Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park Hotel.

  • Q.ホテルのチェックイン開始時間前に到着してしまうのですが、部屋を使用できますか。


    Q. According to my itinerary, I will arrive before the hotel’s check-in time. Can I use the room earlier than that time?

    A.It is not possible to check in before the designated time. Please directly refer to the hotel about storing your luggage before check-in.
    (Check-in time: 3:00PM~, Check-out time: 12:00PM)

  • Q.延泊手配をお願いしたいのですが。


    Q.I would like to stay longer after the convention program. Will you arrange for that?

    A.If you wish to come earlier, or to stay longer, you are responsible for making such reservation with the hotel yourself and at your own expense.

  • Q.コンベンション開催都市からの参加です。宿泊の提供はありますか。


    Q.Is accommodation provided for participants from the host city?

    A.Unfortunately, no accommodation is provided for guests from the host city and neighboring cities.

  • Q.同伴者がいる場合は、宿泊先やビザの手配をお願いできますか。


    Q.When a participant wants to come with a companion, can the Foundation arrange lodging and /or a visa for him/her?

    A.We kindly ask to refrain from family or friends attending the convention. The travel expense, accommodation, and visa for a companion without an invitation must be arranged and paid by yourself.



  • Q. 滞在中に食事の提供はありますか。


    Q.Will meals be provided during our stay?

    A.Meals will be served during the convention period only, which is from breakfast on July 31st until breakfast August 2nd. Free breakfast will be for hotel guests only.

  • Q.アレルギーやベジタリアン、宗教上の理由による特別食の対応はありますか。


    Q.Will some special meals be prepared for vegetarians or believers in particular religions?

    A.Unfortunately, there will be no such menu available.


The convention venue

  • Q.空港から会場や宿泊ホテルまでの交通手段を教えてください。


    Q.I would like to know the means of transportation from the airport to the convention venue or the hotel.

    A.There will be no shuttle bus dedicated for our participants. You are requested to take any possible means of transportation from the airport to the venue or to your hotel.

  • Q.コンベンション会場には自由に出入りできますか。


    Q.Can we freely enter and leave the convention hall?

    A.You will be able to enter or leave the hall freely using the QR-code assigned to every participant. The QR-code may also be used to monitor the number of attendees at each hall.


Some other questions

  • Q.出席登録したのですが、コンベンションへ行かれなくなってしまいました。


    Q. I have registered to attend the convention, but what shall I do if a situation occurred that prevents me from attending the program?

    A.Please visit the convention website and cancel the attendance or send out an e-mail to the secretariat of the convention. If such a situation occurred within three days before the opening day of the convention, please call or email us directly.

  • Q.コンベンション参加にあたっての詳細を知りたいのですが。

    A.参加者ハンドブックや参加証(Participation Certificate) は 7月中旬以降の発送を予定しております。参加証(Participation Certificate)は会場での受付登録の際に必要になりますので、必ずご持参ください。

    Q.When will we receive the details of the convention?

    A.We are planning on sending the Handbook and a Participation Certificate in mid-July or later. Please be sure to bring the Certificate with you as it will be needed upon registration at the venue.
