• これまでのコンベンションについて/Past Conventions

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これまでのコンベンションについて|Past Convention


ユーラシア コンベンション 2023

バンコク(タイ王国)で第10回 コンベンションを泰日工業大学の全面的な協力のもと開催、アジアをはじめ、36の国・地域、320の大学から、約600名の教授および大学関係者が参加

August 2023

Eurasia Convention Bangkok 2023

Eurasia Foundation (from Asia) held its tenth convention at Bangkok, Thailand, with the full cooperation of Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology. About 600 professors and academics came from 320 universities located in 36 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション ソウル 2019

ソウル(韓国)で第9回 コンベンションを建国大学の全面的な協力のもと開催、アジアをはじめ、32の国・地域、325の大学から、約650名の教授および大学関係者が参加

August 2019

One Asia Convention Seoul 2019

OAF held its 9th convention in Seoul, South Korea, with the full cooperation of Konkuk University. About 650 professors and academics came from 325 universities located in 32 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション ハノイ 2018

ハノイ(ベトナム)で第8回 コンベンションをベトナム国家大学ハノイ校外国語大学の全面的な協力のもと開催、アジアをはじめ、31の国・地域324の大学から、約650名の教授および大学関係者が参加

August 2018

One Asia Convention Hanoi 2018

One Asia Foundation held its 8th convention in Hanoi, Vietnam, with the full cooperation of Vietnam National University Hanoi, University of Languages and International Studies. About 650 professors and academics came from 324 universities located in 31 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション 名古屋 2017


August 2017

One Asia Convention Nagoya 2017

One Asia Foundation held its 7th convention in Nagoya, Japan, with the full cooperation of Aichi University. More than 600 professors and academicians came from 300 universities located in 31 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション プノンペン 2016


August 2016

One Asia Convention Phnom Penh 2016

One Asia Foundation held its 6th convention in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with the full cooperation of Royal University of Phnom Penh. More than 600 professors and academicians came from 250 universities located in 31 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション 上海 2015


August 2015

One Asia Convention Shanghai 2015

One Asia Foundation held its 5th convention in Shanghai, China, with the full cooperation of Fudan University. More than 600 professors and academicians came from 240 universities located in 30 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション 済州 2014


August 2014

One Asia Convention Jeju 2014

One Asia Foundation held its 4th convention in Jeju, South Korea, with the full cooperation of Jeju National University. About 580 professors and academicians came from 200 universities located in 29 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション バンドン 2013


March 2013

One Asia Convention Bandung 2013

One Asia Foundation held its 3rd convention (for the regions of South East Asia and South Asia) at a museum where once the first Asian-African Conference (Bandung Conference) was held, with the full cooperation of Indonesia University of Education. From 14 countries including ASEAN 9 countries, a total of 280 persons participated in this convention including 130 professors and students


ワンアジアコンベンション 仁川 2012


November 2012

One Asia Convention Incheon 2012

One Asia Foundation held its 2nd convention in Inchon, South Korea, with the full cooperation of Incheon National University. A total of 350 parsons participated in this event including 140 professors and 70 students, came from 70 universities located in 15 countries in Asia and other regions.


ワンアジアコンベンション 東京 2011


July 2011

One Asia Convention Tokyo 2011

One Asia Foundation held its 1st convention in Tokyo with participation of 300 persons from 7 countries including 100 professors/students.
